Oh wait, I'm not telling about THAT beginning. Right now I want to tell you about the humble beginning of Bows-n-Berries. Pictures first...story below.

My very first uh...bow? It's not too pretty...but it is part of my humble beginning. So keep your mean comments to YOURSELF! =)

My 2nd bow. Not much better than my first.

Super cute! Now we're getting somewhere!

Throw some cute clippies on a cute girl & we're in BIZ!

Getting better...

One of my favorite things to do...custom bows to match outfits/occastions! Love this one!
There's not much to tell really. About a year ago, I picked up some hair bows for my kids at a boutique store for our first family pictures since the twins' birth. They were very cute little hair bows. We liked them. They were great. But the more my hubby looked at them, he kept insisting that I could make these adorable creations. Me? Really? Hmmmm....in all my spare time with 5 children? I ignored the comments. Forgot about them even.
But then one day, about 3-4 months later, I had the urge to take a look at those darned hair clips. "Could I really make these?" I wondered. I USED to be the crafty type...sort of. But I wasn't sure I still had it "in me." I casually mentioned it to my husband, knowing full well that he would discourage me from trying it now that he had actually had time to think about it. Nope. He encouraged me, and I found every free video and bit of instruction I could on the matter, and off to work I went. I glued, I tied, I burned a few fingers...and whaddayaknow? I made some bows. Not too pretty at first. But bows! It quickly became addicting. I wanted to make the cute bows that I bought at Nordstrom for so many years! Lots of practice & patience and voila!! I did it! And I began to do a very good job at it! No messy glue globs and loose ends like so many bows you see out there. I wanted to make and sell something that I would actually want to buy!
Then came the website...http://www.bowsnberries.com. I know it's not the best, but it's what I can do for now. For not being a custom bow website, I think it's pretty nice. I did it using my Mac's iWeb program. Couldn't have been easier! I did my web hosting through http://www.hostmonster.com. They've been amazing with all my little tech questions. That's about it for the beginning of my company. "Them's the berries," as my Mama would say. Bows-n-Berries. =) You'll have to tune in later for the beginnings of B&B Couture.
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