Well, folks...here it is. My first blog post. I am completely new at this, so I will try my best not to bore you...but given the fact that I'm a new blogger, making that a promise would be like saying I'll stop eating chocolate. I just can't say it with conviction.
I am told that small biz owners should blog. So...I'm going to "give it a whirl." I want to start by saying that it is a mistake to think you can try to start a blog, cook lunch, and watch 2 year-old twins all at the same time. I was doing great, I could see their little heads bobbling around near their toy chest...which is exactly where they SHOULD be while I'm tinkering away at the computer and cooking, don't you think? But alas, when I had that gut feeling that they were just too happy playing with real, actual toys, I went to check on them...you know, to see what their ENTIRE bodies were up to (not just the bobbling heads that I was seeing over the kitchen counter before.) And there they were..."cooking" their own lunch. Oatmeal. They had a measuring cup (no doubt due to the skillful teaching of their mother...that's me), a Ziploc baggie (to save the leftovers), and a BIG, FAT M.E.S.S. If you've ever seen an entire container of oatmeal on the floor, in clothing and mixed with toys, you know the joy of owning a very lovely contraption called a VACUUM CLEANER! Ha! So, after using the lovely contraption to clean up the fun...I fed the children their real lunch, and put them for a real nap so I could make a blog post all about this nonsense! Goodness! Here is a picture of the fun! Enjoy the fact that it was me...and not you!
welcome to the blogging world! I LOVE the layout!! Looks great =D