One of my favorite photos from the shoot...don't know why it's showing up so small on my blog. Sorry! Headband: Leila feather headband. Model: Tiffany Amber. Photo: Sarah Caperton Photography.

Super cute! Headband: Lindsey Headband. Models: Joseph Sandoval, Stevie Marshalek. Photo: Julie Irene Photography.

Again. Don't know why the photo is showing up so small...Grrrr! I'm annoyed because I LOVE this photo. Headband: Lindsey Headband. Model: Lindsey Addie (the headband was named after her because she made it more beautiful!). Photo: Greg Bumatay of Bumatay Studio.

And last, but certainly not least, one of my very FAVE photos! Again, it is the Leila Headband, modeled by the beautiful Tiffany Amber. And again, the photo is from Sarah Caperton Photography.
So, now that you've heard the lovely history of my children's line, I get to share a little bit about my B&B Couture line of hair-wear.
It all started one day, when I saw a cute sort-of bejeweled women's headband. I knew I wanted to try to make something similar. So I searched the web, researching places to buy materials, seeing who had the best of what I liked (because not all materials are created equal), and got started! My first headband was the "Marilyn." As in Monroe. I name my hairpieces for people who they remind me of. Or characteristics that I think go along with a certain name; like GLAMOROUS, FIERCE, CLASSIC... Weird? Maybe. It's just how I do things. I fell in love with that headband. I have the first one that I made. I still wear it. It's absolutely stunning and definitely a head-turner. I first wore it to a small play in Palm Springs and got looks from the other ladies in the audience...the look that says, "I hate you. Why do you look so cute? Ugh." I know it's a little vain, but sometimes it's nice to be the cute one. (Hey, being the mother of 5...it doesn't happen often!) I got great comments on it from friends and family, and I knew there must be a market for something like this in my area...the "I.E." So, there I went, on my way to "couture."
I know this is kind-of long, but it's my story, so I'll write and if you're bored, tune in later!
I happened across an old acquaintance from high school who now happens to be a "couture" photographer. She is amazing. I loved her work and noticed that she does a lot of "themed" photo shoots. I contacted her about using my stuff in her shoots; she said "Yes, please" and the rest is history. I am including just a few photos from the first shoot (that she actually coordinated so she wasn't able to take many photos...you'll see hers later). Her name is Hanssie Trainor of Hanssie Trainor Photography. Still don't know how to post links, so I'll just give you the address, and update when I figure this whole blogging thing out! Her site can be found at http://www.hanssietrainorphotography.com.
And to everyone else who has helped me along the way and pushed me to be what I wasn't sure I could be and to do what I wasn't sure I could do...especially my hubby, my cousin Holly, my Pops, my best customer Sue-Sue, Emily, and my mom who "invested on the ground floor." =P
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